Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Little Bit of Poetry

I am taking a Creative Writing class this semester so I thought I would share some of the stuff I have written. I have been in the class for less than two weeks so this is all I have done so far (these are emulations by the way) but since I am reading them at our Midnight Special tomorrow night, I thought I would share. I would love feedback if you have it!

Eight Ways to Look at an Egg


Concealed in its white shell

May be life

Or just someone’s meal


It rolls in directions

Indefinable at its start

And cannot align itself straight

Without assistance


Invisible against white

Its unique ellipse

Save for its catching

Of all shades through light


One of those common frustrations

Since never tasteful without salt


That unconvincing children’s rhyme

Where it magically grew a face and a name

Yet no sufficient limbs to keep it propped upon its wall


Plenty of variety

Whether scrambled, fried, or boiled


The reason you must never ever

Lick clean that brownie-battered bowl

(But you do anyway)


And vaguely resembles

A crisp—


Perfectly peeled—



That is no place anyone should live. The heat

Is only the first thing you feel.

It bites the flesh and taunts the pores

Until it climbs so high, you no longer

Feel its torture as your desiccated lips

Beg for moisture.

The people here are entirely lost,

The men in their drunken swagger—

Bidding on cows and the first prize goat carcass

The women squabbling over their phones,

Though they never use them,

While their children run about without shoes.

And therefore I have left that place

So that I may come home.

Final release from the

Worries I there carried.

Bless the clear, cold water

Which runs free from the tap

And comforts my tongue.

Calm my feared heart

And provide reprieve.

But my mind has not forgotten:

A prison to those who must

Forever dwell in its dark horror.

Yet to me its mem’ry

Swells my soul

And I find myself free

From my own torments.

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